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Professional development within the framework of the Federal project "Promotion of employment"


The Stavropol State Agrarian University implements training within the framework of the Federal Project "Promotion of Employment" in cooperation with Tomsk State University, which is the operator of the project. The program started in 2021 and will continue until 2024. Participation in the program will allow citizens to gain new competencies and improve their qualifications in various fields in more than 50 programs.

At the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, one of the project's programs is being held - an additional professional advanced training program "Production of vegetable crops in greenhouses". Representatives of greenhouses took part in the program.

The advanced training program includes 6 modules:

· Module 1. Modern types of greenhouses, their design.

· Module 2. Ground culture. Protected ground substrates.

· Module 3. Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops in greenhouses.

· Module 4. Protection of vegetable crops from diseases and pests.

· Module 5. Technology of growing vegetables in greenhouses.

· Module 6. Storage and processing of vegetable products.

The program was held in full-time and part-time form, online classes and face-to-face classes were held on the basis of the enterprise JSC "Solnechny". Upon completion of the development of the theoretical and practical part of the program, students undergo an internship on the basis of greenhouses: JSC "Solnechny" and IE Barannik E.P. Izobilnensky urban district, where they master the knowledge gained on the basis of production.

The program will end with an exam.

As a result of mastering the program, students will receive the following professional competencies:

- organization of technology for growing vegetable crops in greenhouses using a low-volume method;

- determination and implementation of a set of works, their sequence, terms and duration of performance when caring for vegetable crops in greenhouses.

Испытания биологической эффективности средств защиты растений

Кафедрой химии и защиты растений проведеныиспытания биологической эффективности средств защиты растений стратегических партнеров фирмы ООО «АДАМА РУС» на сахарной свекле в условиях ООО «Колхоз-Племзаводе имени Чапаева» Кочубеевского муниципального округа.

С фирмой ООО «АДАМА РУС» кафедра химии и защиты растений сотрудничает 2 год. В этом году были заложены 4 масштабных опыта:

· по оценке эффективности снижения гербицидного стресса, на сахарной свёкле после препарата Экселгроу во 2 и 3 гербицидные обработки;

· по оценке биологической эффективности фунгицида Бампер Супер, КЭ против церкоспороза в сравнении с конкурентами: Риас, КЭ; Флинт, ВСК и Сфера Макс, КС;

· по сравнительной оценке, биологической эффективности гербицида Бельведер Форте, СЭ с конкурентами (Бифор Супер, МЭ; Бифор Прогресс, МЭ; Бетанал Эксперт ОФ, КЭ) против сорных растений и оценке влияния (фитотоксичности) сравниваемых препаратов на сахарную свёклу в разрезе повышенного содержания этофумезата в гербициде Бельведер Форте, СЭ;

· по сравнительной оценке, биологической эффективности гербицида Голтикс, КС с Препаратом 1 и Препаратом 2 против сорной растительности (объект - марь белая) в посевах сахарной свёклы.

Под руководством профессора кафедры химии и защиты растений доктора сельскохозяйственных наук Натальи Николаевны Глазуновой, аспиранты Устимов Денис Владимирович и Хомутова Анна Владимировна, магистранты Овчаренко Юлия и Исикова Лолита, и студенты Узденов Борис и Холодняковская Юлия в рамках научно-исследовательской работы и хоздоговорной деятельности осуществили учет количественных и качественных параметров урожайности сахарной свеклы в ООО «Колхоз-Племзаводе имени Чапаева».

В рамках этих исследований были определены следующие показатели: качественные – содержание сахара в корнеплодах к моменту уборки урожая; количественные – средняя густота растений на одном гектаре к моменту уборки урожая, средняя масса одного корнеплода в зависимости от влияния изучаемых факторов; урожайность сахарной свеклы с одного гектара.

Tests of the biological effectiveness of plant protection products

The Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection conducted tests of the biological effectiveness of plant protection products of strategic partners of the company "ADAMA RUS" LLC on sugar beet in the conditions of the "Kolkhoz-Plemzavod named after Chapaev" LLC in the Kochubeevsky municipal district.

The Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection has been cooperating with the company "ADAMA RUS" for 2 years. This year, 4 large-scale experiences were laid:

· By assessing the effectiveness of reducing herbicidal stress on sugar beets after Excelgrove in 2 and 3 herbicide treatments;

· According to the assessment of the biological effectiveness of the fungicide Bumper Super, CE against cercosporosis in comparison with competitors: Rias, CE; Flint, VSK and Sphere Max, KS;

According to a comparative assessment, the biological effectiveness of the herbicide Belvedere Forte, SE with competitors (Bifor Super, ME; Bifor Progress, ME; Betanal Expert OF, CE) against weeds and an assessment of the effect (phytotoxicity) of the compared preparations on sugar beets in the context of the increased content of etofumezate in herbicide Belvedere Forte, SE;

· According to a comparative assessment, the biological effectiveness of the herbicide Goltix, KS with Preparation 1 and Preparation 2 against weeds (object - white gauze) in sugar beet crops.

Under the guidance of Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Natalya Nikolaevna Glazunova, postgraduate students Denis Vladimirovich Ustimov and Anna Vladimirovna Khomutova, undergraduates Ovcharenko Yulia and Isikova Lolita, and students Uzdenov Boris and Kholodnyakovskaya Yulia, within the framework of research work and economic contractual activities, carried out the accounting and quality parameters of the yield of sugar beet in the LLC "Kolkhoz-Plemzavod named after Chapaev".

Within the framework of these studies, the following indicators were determined: qualitative - sugar content in root crops at the time of harvest; quantitative - the average density of plants on one hectare at the time of harvest, the average weight of one root crop, depending on the influence of the studied factors; sugar beet yield per hectare.

Дата новости для фото:  13.09.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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