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Health Day at SSAU


Sports competitions in several disciplines were held in the powerlifting and weightlifting hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

36 students from all faculties took part in sports competitions timed to the Health Day. The competitions were held in the powerlifting and weightlifting hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Competition "Iron Grip", young men:

- 1st place: Alexander Deryazhentsev (SVE);

- 2nd place: Vladislav Sharipov (SVE);

- 3rd place: Maxim Miroshnichenko (FPE).

Competition "Disc holding 25 kg", girls:

- 1st place: Polina Soboleva (FPE);

- 2nd place: Diana Kondaurova (FMF);

- 3rd place: Karina Zhukova (FAF).

Contest "Bench press", young men:

- 1st place: Alexander Deryazhentsev (SVE);

- 2nd place: Maxim Miroshnichenko (FPE);

- 3rd place: Vladislav Sharipov (SVE). 

Дата новости для фото:  20.09.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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