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"Decade of a first-year student" in the Research Library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


In the first days of the academic year, the scientific library of SSAU held the “Decade of a first-year student”. In ten days, all first-year students received sets of textbooks for the first semester, and also got acquainted with the rules of work in the library departments. More than 16 thousand textbooks were issued in total.

The Research Libraryof the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the " Decade of a first-year student". During this period, the library was visited by 30 groups of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education (676 students) and 42 groups of higher vocational education (806 students). First-year students received sets of educational literature for the first semester of study. A total of 16,247 copies of books were issued.

For the first time, the " Decade of a first-year student " was held in the new educational and laboratory building of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The students got acquainted with the working conditions, resources and services of reading rooms, a media center, a center for bibliographic and scientometric information. We visited the rare book museum, where there are rare and valuable publications of the scientific library.

Lectures and practical classes on the basics of information and bibliographic culture were held with freshmen. The staff of the scientific library introduced the children to the traditional and electronic resources of the Scientific Library, taught them how to use the electronic library systems "Znanium.com", "Lan" and "Yurayt", which allow working with educational and scientific literature remotely, from any Internet access point. The students received the skills of information retrieval work for writing term papers, diploma theses and other scientific works, studied the rules for the design of a bibliographic list of literature and references to scientific work, received information about the use of the system "Antiplagiat".

The effectiveness of the conducted classes is already confirmed by the growth of statistics of readers' access to the electronic resources of the library, the increase in information literacy of students. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.09.2021
Номер новости для фото:  1

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