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Camp of student activists "Youth Leader of SSAU - 2021"


The Agrarian University Student Activists Camp is an annual event for freshmen with a rich three-day program. Traditionally, the “Youth Leader of SSAU” was held on the territory of the faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

For three days, freshmen of Stavropol State Agrarian University got acquainted, worked in a team and received new knowledge at master classes. The rich program of the camp became the starting point for students in the active student life of the best agricultural university in the country.

"Youth leader of SSAU" began with a grand opening, at which each team presented a prepared greeting to the guests and organizers of the camp.

Throughout the camp, the participants went through exciting team building and rallying games. Rope course, "Tower", "Trouble" - participating in them, the guys overcame barriers in communication and got to know each other better.

The second day of the camp was no less intense. 14 fascinating master classes awaited the participants: such as "Effective communication is the basis of success", "Planning and goal setting", "Theory of six handshakes: what is networking and how to use it" and others. The freshmen not only managed to gain new knowledge, but were also able to take part in the "Harbor of Talents". Students showed their creative performances: they sang songs, recited poems or danced.

The end of the day was the evening of the military-patriotic song "We Remember!" As a sign of respect to the memory of those who fell in the battles for the Motherland, the students sang the famous couplets of the legendary song "Victory Day".

The last day of the camp was held at the site of the new building of SSAU and was remembered by the participants for the exhibition of student associations of the Agrarian University, where teams and leaders of teams and clubs presented the activities of associations to freshmen and answered all questions of interest.

At the closing ceremony of the activists camp "Youth Leader of SSAU - 2021", the participants were greeted by the Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev. By tradition, at the camp of the activists, the rector gives all the squads a huge candy. This year was no exception and sweets weighing 100 kg went to all the participants.

At the closing ceremony, the leaders of each group were awarded. From the hands of the rector, the best freshmen were awarded diplomas and prizes. These guys were able to become one of the key links in their team following the results of three days. Among senior students, the best curators and organizers were also noted.

"Youth leader of SSAU - 2021" is over, but the path to an active student life is just beginning! 

Дата новости для фото:  04.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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