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Scientific and practical seminar “Blood biochemistry. How to understand all these numbers"


According to the strategic cooperation with the KRKA company, the seminar “Blood biochemistry. How to understand all these numbers" was held for students and teachers of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty.

The lecturer was Svetlana Viktorovna Shishkanova - veterinarian, head of the independent veterinary laboratory "POISK" in St. Petersburg. The dialogue was attended by teachers and students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

During the lecture, Svetlana Viktorovna told how to interpret the results using the example of clinical cases. In addition, the workshop participants talked about the importance of preanalytics and factors that can influence the research results.

KRKA is a participant and organizer of many federal veterinary events. Symposia, reports, lectures, seminars - these are the main methods of work to promote best practices for the medical audience.

The international pharmaceutical company "KRKA" is one of the leading manufacturers of generics in Europe, the products of "KRKA" are represented in more than 70 countries of the world. For more than 40 years, KRKA has been supplying its products to Russia, making large investments in the Russian Federation, and participating in numerous social and charitable projects. Over the past 10 years, KRKA has been one of the leading and most influential (according to the Pharmexpert CMI rating) pharmaceutical companies in Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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