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All-Russian testing work


Students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University for the first time took part in the All-Russian Testing Work.

The participants in the RTW were first-year students of the faculty of secondary vocational education, as well as students who completed the development of general education subjects in the previous academic year.

The students had to perform RTW in core subjects for their specialty, as well as RTW assessing metasubject learning outcomes. Students in training programs for mid-level specialists wrote two tests: with an assessment of metasubject learning outcomes and one specialized academic subject chosen by the decision of the educational organization (Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, natural science, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages, informatics). The SVE faculty wrote a work in mathematics.

In accordance with the approved schedule, students performed work in mathematics on September 20-21 on paper.

For first-year students of organizations, RTW on the assessment of metasubject results were carried out from September 28 to 29, for students who completed the development of general education subjects - from October 4 to 5. RTW was carried out in a computer form.

The results of RTW of SVE can be used by educational organizations to improve the educational process, and regional education authorities - to analyze the current state of the SVE system and formulate programs for its development.

Дата новости для фото:  14.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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