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Student of Stavropol State Agrarian University - the winner of the All-Russian project “BayStudy”


The results of the scientific works competition “BayStudy”, annually held by the “Bayer” company, have been summed up. Nikita Myagkov, a master’s student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, was among the winners.

“BayStudy” is a project that aims to support talented students and postgraduates who intend to grow and develop professionally in the field of plant protection, as well as those who wish to acquire practical skills.

In 2021, 13 students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture of 2-4 courses of bachelor’s and 1 course of master’s degrees took part in the project.

Students devoted their work to the effective use of pesticides and agrochemicals, the use of micronutrients, plant nutrition systems, and the assessment of crop hybrids.

19 people (bachelors, undergraduates and postgraduates) from different parts of Russia became the winners of the project. All of them will receive a personal scholarship from JSC Bayer during the 2021-2022 academic year.

The winner in the project from Stavropol State Agrarian University was Nikita Myagkov, a 1-year master’s student in the direction of 35.04.04 “Agronomy” of the master’s program “Environmentally friendly plant protection technologies”. The theme of the competition work: “Evaluation of the effect of fungicides on the suppression of fungal diseases and increasing the productivity of winter wheat”.

In his scientific work, Nikita reflected the theoretical and applied aspects of the effect of Bayer Crop Science fungicides on the complex of fungal phytopathogens and the protected culture in a zone of unstable moisture. As part of the research work, fungicides were studied in detail, which determine the physiological effect on the protected culture. As a result of the study, a highly effective suppression of fungal phytopathogens in agrobiocenosis and a significant physiological effect of the applied fungicides on the protected crop were recorded, which led to an increase in the productivity of winter wheat crops.

The winners of the All-Russian project took part in the final event dedicated to the BayStudy competition, which was held online. During the event, participants presented their research papers, and also answered questions from Bayer Crop Science experts.

Currently, the winner of the project is actively engaged in research within the framework of the master's thesis and works at OOO Belin as a regional sales representative. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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