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Participation in an international conference


In early October in Simferopol launched a large-scale five-day VI International Scientific Conference "Current State, Problems and Prospects of Agricultural Science", organized by the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea.

The annual conference brought together guests not only from Russian regions, but also from different countries of the world - Belarus, Armenia, Czech Republic and others. The event was held in the main building of the scientific organization in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements in a face-to-face format. On the first day, plenary lectures and presentations by foreign colleagues via videoconference were delivered.

Opening the conference, the director of the organizing institution Pashtetsky Vladimir Stepanovich noted the importance and magnitude of the event, giving the floor to welcome the honorable participants: academician, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Irina Mikhailovna Donnik and Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician of RAAS, academician of RAS - Yuri Fedorovich Lachuga.

The conference was also attended by the head of the department of soil science of Prof. V.I. Tulpanov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov, who presented his report "Effect of polyfunctional preparations on the microbiological parameters and grain yield of maize on common chernozem in the Central Caucasus".

In addition, within the framework of the event, an exhibition of innovative products and scientific literature of the Scientific Research Institute of Farming of Crimea was organized for guests. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  13

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