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The safety of students in the educational environment is an urgent task due to the increase in dangerous situations (fires, diseases, injuries, terrorist threats, drug addiction, etc.) that negatively affect their lives and health. University safety rules have a different focus and are necessary to prevent extreme situations.

Comprehensive security in the university is achieved through activities that are carried out with the interaction of various bodies (management, law enforcement, public) and students' willingness to comply with safety rules.

In this regard, during the past period in the framework of the discipline "Introduction to Specialty" for the 1st year students of the faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture a series of meetings with the district police officer of the Leninsky Department of Stavropol Vadim Abramenko and Rector Advisor on Security at Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexander Larin were held.

The lecture was opened by the dean of the faculties, professor Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko, who introduced the guests and said that in the current difficult time it is very important to protect yourself and your loved ones from dangerous situations of social character.

A. Larin during his lecture touched upon the organization of students' safety on the territory of the university; pass regime and the use of electronic cards that control the students' visits (entrance, exit), preventing unauthorized persons from entering; control over the whole territory with video surveillance, which helps to prevent violations (threats, extortion, drug distribution, etc.), hooliganism; anti-terrorist security and fight against extremism, which allows to avoid radical views and beliefs among

V.A. Abramenko told what temptations can expect young people in the urban environment and how to avoid conflicts with law enforcement agencies. He also noted that it is important not only to protect yourself, but also to live in accordance with the law, as one rash step can break the fate of young people.

The lecture aroused great interest among the students - they asked many questions, to which they received qualified answers from the invited guests. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  12

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