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Within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University a working meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank Denis Vyacheslavovich Konstantinov was held


Rosselkhozbank occupies a leading position on the Russian banking market, supervises the priority areas of development of industries of agro-industrial complex and fruitfully cooperates with the Agrarian University.

The areas of our joint activities are multifaceted. An example of fruitful and most effective cooperation are lectures, master classes, internships, practices and employment of students. The pride of our joint work is the implementation of the project "Farmer's School". The Bank annually stimulates scientific activity of young people in the field of banking and regional economics by means of a scholarship program.

Denis Vyacheslavovich discussed such topics as:

1. Implementation of the project "Farmer's school" on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University with the involvement of integrators in the field of crop and livestock farming in order to train qualified specialists in the field of agriculture. The possibility of organizing a single training platform for farmers of the North Caucasian Federal District on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

2. The possibility of creating a full training center in the North Caucasian Federal District on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, with full-time trainers, the task of which is the constant development of the employees of the regional branches of the North Caucasian Federal District.

3. The possibility of developing professional development programs for the managerial staff of RSHB branches in the North Caucasian Federal District (director, deputy directors, heads of independent structural subdivisions of the branch) to enhance managerial competencies.

Rosselkhozbank has created the digital platform "Your Farming", which combines services for the effective conduct of agribusiness. The platform, or in modern terms, an ecosystem of digital services, is focused on small farms. The ecosystem allows farmers to sell their agricultural products through a specialized marketplace.

The ecosystem has only recently been launched and is rapidly gaining popularity.

Active participation in the work took place:

- Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov;

- Deputy Director of Stavropol RF Larisa Sergeevna Khudyakova;

- Deputy Director of Stavropol RF Igor Vladimirovich Yatsuk;

- Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexei Bobryshev;

- Director of the Institute of Further Professional Education, candidate of economic sciences, professor Olga Mikhailovna Lisova;

- Head of the Financial Management and Banking Department, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Yulia Sklyarova.

Alessey Nikolaevich told about the university "Boiling Point" - a space of collective work to organize the interaction of representatives of education, science, business and government, whose activities are aimed at improving the quality of human capital of the country by changing the approach of universities to their own educational activities, the introduction of new educational formats and models of communication, approaches to education.

The successful cooperation between Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Stavropol regional branch of Rosselkhozbank has lasted for many years and plays a great role in the training of highly qualified specialists. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  19

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