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Jubilee All-Russian Economic Dictation


Students, teachers of the Faculty of Economics and students of secondary vocational education took part in an online format in the all-Russian educational event "All-Russian economic dictation.

Stavropol State Agrarian University for many years fruitfully cooperates with the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO of Russia) and the International Union of Economists (IUE). The Stavropol regional public organization of the All-Russian public organization VEO of Russia was established on the basis of the Faculty of Economics.

This year we took an active part in the Fifth Jubilee All-Russian Economic Dictation organized by the IEF and VEO of Russia, with the participation of the Financial University under the RF Government, leading Russian universities, administrations of the Russian regions, the Russian Historical Society, the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This year the campaign was held for the fifth time. The event was first held in 2017 and since then has significantly increased the geography and number of participants. For many people it has become a good tradition to write the Economic Dictation in October. In 2020 more than 183 thousand people from 85 regions of Russia and near abroad countries took part in the action. In 2021 the number of registered participants exceeded 270 thousand people.

The questions of the Dictation are devoted to the economic history of our country, the main economic processes that are taking place and those practical questions of the economic life that each of us is facing.

The list of questions of the Economic Dictation 2021 includes questions developed by the partner of the Russian Economic Society - the Russian Historical Society, as well as the questions selected by the methodological commission following the results of the competition for the best question for the Economic Dictation.

The results of the All-Russian Economic Dictation can help to assess the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole, as well as of the individual regions of Russia and help to develop practical recommendations for the trajectory of economic education.

Economic dictation is a self-test of economic knowledge. Each participant was able to understand what knowledge he or she lacks and, accordingly, to improve it. All participants in the Economic Dictation received a certificate of participation with the number of points.

Those who scored 90 points or more, on November 11th, 2021 will be awarded a diploma of the winner of the Russian Economic Dictation within the framework of the All-Russian Economic Meeting, dedicated to the "Economist Day". 

Дата новости для фото:  19.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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