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Professor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference


Professor V.I. Tskhovrebov, Head of the Department of Soil Science of Professor V.I. Tulpanov, presented his scientific report "How to fill a Dobenek barrel or peculiarities of spring fertilization of winter wheat" at the conference.

In October on the territory of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy there was held a large-scale International scientific-practical conference "The role of university science in the development of agro-industrial complex", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Agronomic Chemistry in Nizhny Novgorod.

The opening of the conference began with a visit to the Museum of the Academy, where every participant could see the thematic exhibition "The history of the department in the events and faces". Every exhibit was literally imbued with the soul of the organizers of the exposition - Head of the chair "Agrochemistry and agroecology", Ph.D., Professor V.I. Titova, former and current director of the History Museum of the university N.P. Koroleva and M.V. Kiryushina.

After visiting the Exhibition the Plenary Session took place in the Assembly Hall of the main building of the Academy where the acting Rector of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy, Doctor of Social Sciences, N. Barmin addressed to the participants and guests. He pointed out the role of the Department and its scientists in the development of Russian agroecology, in establishing scientific schools and in the practical support of the agroindustrial complex.

Among the guests of the event, was also the head of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V.I. Tulpanov - V.S. Tskhovrebov. Valery Sergeevich congratulated colleagues with the anniversary of the department, after which he presented his scientific report "How to fill Dobenek barrel or features of the spring feeding of winter wheat. He noted that we should use the Dobenek barrel as a model to assess effective soil fertility and to identify measures to increase soil fertility. How to fill a Dobenek barrel is an important question that cannot be answered unambiguously. First, what is meant by a full barrel? What should be the volume of this barrel? And in relation to what should its volume be calculated?

Professor V.S. Tskhovrebov clarified that we rely on indicators of the content of mobile forms of nutrition elements and do not take into account their gross content. According to studies of the department on some soils with a high number of mobile forms, the gross content may be lower than in soils with a lower provision of mobile forms. And this is also a very strong yield factor. This is especially evident on soils with light granulometric composition, but with rich mineralogy. After all, the primary source of nutritional elements are minerals.  

Дата новости для фото:  20.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  12

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