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The presentation of the book of the associate professor of SSAU took place


The lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and History presented his scientific work "Philosophical and historical comprehension of the fate of Russia."

On October 27, at the Boiling Point of SSAU, a presentation of the scientific work of Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin "Philosophical and historical comprehension of the fate of Russia" took place. This event was attended by teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History and the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, library staff, 2nd year students of the FAM, FA&LR and 1st year FAF.

The head of the Department of Philosophy and History, Professor E.V. Tufanov, made an introductory speech, and the students read poems about Russia.

The author of the new scientific publication N.G. Guzynin acquainted the participants of the event with his work, after which the discussion began. The guys showed a deep immersion in the topic and listened carefully to the author.

During the discussion of the book, evidence of a genuine interest in scientific work was the numerous questions that were asked by the 2nd year students of the FA&LR. The author answered each one, as a result the event passed in one breath. In answering students' questions, Nikolai Gavrilovich gave a detailed analysis of the problem of the fate of Russia.

Marina Vasilievna Obolenskaya, the director of the library of the SSAU, also took part in the presentation, who spoke positively about the work of N.G. Guzynin and expressed the opinion that this scientific work will undoubtedly arouse interest among readers and students.

At the end of the event, the author presented several copies of his work to the university library. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  10

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