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In memory of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the SSAU


On October 28, 2021, at the age of 84, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, doctor of agricultural sciences, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, laureate of the prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Lyudmila Nikolaevna Petrova died.

She lived the life of a conscientious and honest person, a talented specialist of the highest level and a recognized scientist in the field of agriculture, plant growing, agrochemistry, plant physiology, a beloved teacher and respected citizen of her country. Petrova Lyudmila Nikolaevna was born on May 30, 1938 in Stavropol. In 1960, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, received the specialty of a biologist-physiologist of plants.

From 1961 to 1965 worked as an assistant at the Department of Botany and Plant Physiology of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute. For the next 40 years, her fate and scientific activity is associated with the Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture. From 1965 to 1968 - postgraduate studies, then scientific secretary (1968-1972), deputy director for scientific work (1972-1986). 1986 to 2002 Petrova L.N. - Director of this institute. From 2002 to 2005 - Chief Researcher, Head of the Biotechnology Center. Petrova L.N. did not leave teaching, working part-time at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Since 2005, she goes to a permanent job at this university as a professor at the Department of Plant Industry.

PhD thesis "Physiological and biochemical characteristics of nutrition and formation of winter wheat yield" Petrova L.N. defended her in 1971 at the State University of Latvia, receiving her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences. Doctoral dissertation "Scientific bases of intensification of technology of cultivation of winter wheat in arid regions" in 1987 was defended in the Ukrainian Order of Lenin Research Institute of Plant Production, Breeding and Genetics named after V.Ya. Yuriev. In the same year she was elected a corresponding member of the All-Union Agricultural Academy, and in 1995 - an academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She received the title of professor in 1990.

Scientific interests of L.N. Petrova wide and multifaceted. Petrova L.N. known in our country and abroad as a prominent scientist in the field of agriculture, plant growing, agrochemistry, plant physiology. Her scientific activity is closely related to the study of fundamental and priority applied problems of nutritional physiology, morphophysiological development, photosynthetic activity, yield formation and grain quality of winter wheat. For the first time, she has developed methods of plant diagnostics for winter wheat, which are widely used in the farms of the region, scientific institutions and the agrochemical service are guided by them.

Research by L.N. Petrova made a significant contribution to the solution of agrochemical problems of the use of fertilizers. She established the optimal doses and ratios of nutrients in fertilizers to obtain a high yield of agricultural crops on different types of soils, developed fertilization systems in crop rotation. Its developments related to the peculiarities of the effect of phosphorus on the harvest of winter wheat in arid regions have a priority character. In a long-term agrochemical hospital, Petrova L.N. the regularities of changes in soil fertility were obtained with the systematic use of different doses and types of fertilizers, the regularities of the formation of the phosphate fund as a whole, the immediate, near and potential reserves of this element on chernozems were determined with the introduction of various doses and ratios of nutrients in fertilizers.

An important place in the research of Petrova L.N. are occupied with the problems of using systems analysis and mathematical modeling. Working at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria, Vienna), she, together with foreign colleagues and employees of the RAS Computing Center, created mathematical simulation models of plant growth and development. Petrova L.N. She was the head of the state program for modeling the processes of regional development of the agro-industrial complex.

Petrova L.N. is known as the author of environmentally friendly intensive technologies for cultivating grain crops adapted to soil and climatic conditions, which, with her direct participation, were introduced into the production of not only the Stavropol Territory, but also other regions of the country. With her direct participation, a system of farming and a system of "dry" farming in the Stavropol Territory were created, which allowed the Territory to stabilize and significantly increase the production of grain and other agricultural products.

Petrova L.N. made a great contribution to the development of conceptual and methodological problems of adaptive landscape agriculture, improvement of soil cultivation systems and resource-saving technologies based on new generation technology. Her scientific developments were used to create a new generation farming system for the Stavropol Territory, maximally adapted to its intrazonal features in the modern changed socio-economic and natural-climatic conditions.

More than 280 scientific papers have been published by Petrova L.N., incl. monographs, recommendations. Several works were published abroad, 4 patents were received. She has trained 10 doctors and 20 candidates of sciences. Her international cooperation connected with the State Universities of the USA (Iowa), the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Wageningen). For 4 years, she was a member of the international organizing committee for the first and second International congresses on plant growing in the United States and India, organized and conducted an international school in Russia with the participation of 29 of the world's most famous scientists.

Petrova L.N. was actively involved in scientific, organizational and social activities. She was a member of the Council for Agriculture of the North Caucasus of the Russian Agricultural Academy, many scientific and public organizations, a lifelong member of the Ensminger Scientific and Educational Foundation (Clovis, California, USA).

Petrova L.N. was elected a deputy of the Regional Council, a people's deputy, a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, actively worked in the presidium and council of women of the Stavropol Territory, and other public organizations.

Personal contribution of L.N. Petrova in the scientific substantiation and practical implementation of farming systems, intensive technologies and other technologies is highly appreciated by the state. She was awarded the Orders of Lenin (1987) and the Badge of Honor (1982), three medals of the USSR, medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. She is a laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation.

Today we all grieve and with pain in our hearts remember the wonderful deeds and good deeds of a person who was greatly appreciated and deeply respected in the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the scientific community. Lyudmila Petrovna will remain in our hearts a reliable comrade and attentive friend, always ready to help in any situation.


Administration, professor staff and team of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.10.2021
Номер новости для фото:  6

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