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IX International Conference "Innovative Developments of Young Scientists for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex


Students from SSAU received a first-degree diploma for their scientific report at an international conference.

The 2nd year student of the specialty "Agronomy" of the faculty of secondary vocational education Shmatov Sergey received the first-degree diploma at the IX international conference "Innovations of young scientists - development of agro-industrial complex".

FSBSI "North-Caucasus Federal Research Agrarian Centre" held the IX International Conference "Innovations of young scientists for the development of agriculture" on 28-29 October. During the conference, 41 papers were presented. Based on the results of the competition commissions winners of I, II and III degrees were selected in the directions of the conference.

The best in "Agronomy" direction was awarded a 2nd year student of the faculty "Agronomy" Sergey Shmatov. He was awarded a diploma of I degree for the scientific report on the topic: "Propagation of orchids by seeds in domestic conditions" and gifts. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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