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SSAU students win international competition


Research papers by accounting and finance students Yulia Prokopova and Bella Gutyakulova won first places in an international research competition.

At the XXXIX International Scientific Research Contest in the section "Economic Sciences" in the nomination "Best Student Paper 2021" took 1st place Prokopova Julia, student of Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State Agricultural University, with a research paper on "Influence of blockchain technology on organization of accounting and audit" and Gutyakulova Bela with a research paper on "Automation of internal audit processes". Supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor I.Y. Sklyarov.

"The Best Student Paper 2021" is a prestigious competition of scientific research papers, created to promote the effective development of science and innovation.

The purpose of the competition is to promote integration of Russian science into the global scientific information space, dissemination of scientific and practical achievements in various fields of science, support high standards of publications, as well as approbation of the results of scientific and practical activity. Participants in the competition are scientists, candidates and doctors of science, specialists of various profiles and directions, teachers, graduate and postgraduate students, undergraduates and students.  

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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