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SSAU student experiment on broiler chickens successfully completed


More than 20 undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the mentored event.

In the vivarium of the basic department of private zootechnics, selection and breeding of animals of biotechnology faculty successfully completed the experiment on broiler chickens of cross "Cobb-500" by associate professor Rastovarov Evgeny under the scientific leadership of Professor Epimakhova Elena.

In the rearing of broilers with observance of the rules of biosafety and guidelines of FGBNU FNTS "VNITIP" RAS, as well as the final assessment of the exterior, live weight, physiological status of the broilers and their meat qualities were attended by graduate student Erko K.V. and more than 20 students in the disciplines of "Introduction to Specialty" (Associate Professor Ponomareva M.E.), "Poultry" (Professor Epimahova E.E.), "Organization of production of organic raw materials" and "Production of livestock products" (Associate Professor Rastovarov E.I.) and in their free time.

As a result, they acquired the necessary skills and abilities in the field of poultry meat production. All participants in the studies were presented with supporting Certificates.  

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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