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School "Young politician" on the basis of SSAU began training students


The school "Young politician", which has been operating on the basis of the university since 2014, started 9th session of students. 23 students will gain new knowledge about political literacy.

In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the opening of training for 9th session of the school "Young politician" took place. The school has been operating since 2014 and over the 7 years of its existence, 234 students studied in it.

The main goal of training the students of the 9th set of the Young Politician School, in the amount of 23 students from various faculties of the university and the FSVO, is to instill in the students of the school a constant interested attitude to politics and the formation of political literacy and culture so that they understand well and consciously and navigate the diverse political phenomena and events and had an active political and civic position.

This event was opened by the head of the school "Young Politician" Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History N.G. Guzynin, who noted the goals and objectives of the training and thanked for the great organizational help in attracting students of 9th session to his tutor, 2nd year student of the Federal Migration Service Lyubochkin Nikita. He introduced the teachers of the school "Young politician" Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History I.I. Gulyak, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Kurchev V.I.

Then the deputy director of SVE Associate Professor Pankratov A.V., the head of Department of Philosophy and History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Tufanov E.V. and Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Kurchev V.I. They noted the importance of politics in the life of Russian society and the need to deeply understand the complex political processes of public life. They expressed the opinion that an interest in politics is an important and vital choice made by the students of the school.

The participants in the opening of training at the “Young Politician” school warmly congratulated the audience on the beginning of classes and wished them success in shaping political culture. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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