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Dear professors!


I sincerely congratulate you on the Higher School Teacher's Day!

For each of us, a professional holiday is another opportunity to say the warmest words of gratitude, sincere gratitude to everyone whom we consider our mentors, who helped to determine the future and choose a goal in life, taught us the most important lessons of honesty, humanity, kindness, love for fatherland.

Pedagogical excellence and wisdom have always enjoyed unlimited respect in our country. You teach to be decent and responsive, encourage freedom of thought, creativity, scientific research, and you yourself are constantly developing, moving forward.

It is important that in your environment there is a whole constellation of young, bright teachers. It depends on you, on the teachers, on your dedication and professionalism - whether higher education in Russia can meet the challenges of the time and remain one of the best in the world!

You are doing a lot for this and I am sure you will do a lot in the future. I wish you good health, success, peace in your families! 

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