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Off-site practice-oriented classes at the innovative production of construction 3D printers in Yaroslavl


LLC «AMT – ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES» is a leading developer and the first serial manufacturer of construction 3D printers (COP-printers, Construction Objects Printing) in Europe. Since 2015, the company has been producing a line of portal construction printers: from small-format (for printing small architectural forms) to large (for printing buildings up to 80 meters high). Today, equipment under the AMT trademark is exported and operates in the EU, Central Asia and the Middle East.

As part of a working visit to Yaroslavl, students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Nikita Aleksandrovich Mareev, Yegor Andreevich Shiyanov, and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Maryin, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Service, Standardization and Metrology, visited the production of the LLC group of companies «AMT», which carries out serial production of construction 3D printers.

The main purpose of the trip was to get acquainted with the innovative direction of construction production technology – additive technology for the construction of buildings and structures using construction 3D printing, exchange of experience, as well as establishment of professional contacts.

The first point was organized theoretical and practical training within the framework of the program "Design for 3-D printing in construction" and "Operation of construction 3-D printers of the S-series of production of the group of companies «AMT».

Further, representatives of the LLC group of companies «AMT» demonstrated a machine-building workshop, which includes equipment that allows the production of both small architectural forms and the erection of integral elements of enclosing structures with standard compositions based on cement series 300-500, i.e. those that are freely available on any construction market. You can also print with structural and geopolymer concretes, gypsum, clay, use mixtures with mineral additives and fiberglass.

Construction printers are computer numerical control (CNC) equipment for layering concrete or mixtures based on concrete and other building materials. In this case, the trajectory of movement of the print head of the printer (extruder) corresponds to a three-dimensional model (3D model) of the future structure (product). As a result of such work, full-size construction objects, structures, and small architectural forms are obtained. An important point is that a construction printer does not print the entire volume of the wall as a whole, as many think. This is simply not practical. The printer prints "crusts" of the wall or permanent formwork - its outer and outer parts with a thickness of 3 to 8 centimeters, and the resulting cavity (or cavities, if the wall has a complex structure, i.e. multi-chamber) is then poured with filler. The result is a monolithic wall.

It should be noted that, having appeared quite recently as a new type of equipment, construction printers are rapidly developing. Representatives of LLC «AMT» note that compared to 2015, when the world's first serial production of construction printers was launched in Yaroslavl, now their design has undergone significant changes and improvements, in addition, the possibilities have significantly expanded.

Today construction printers can be classified primarily by their working area. This is how the company representatives share the lineup of printers. Small-format printers are designed for printing small architectural forms (SAF) and small-sized products (up to 12 square meters). Medium format printers can be classified as a transitional type of equipment. They combine the ability to print SAFs and parts of buildings for subsequent assembly on a foundation (house kits). Finally, large format construction printers are powerful and productive equipment for printing buildings directly on the construction site. LLC "AMT" offers several models of equipment for different tasks.

Upon completion of the training, certificates were issued and the relevance and prospects of a new scientific direction related to the development of additive technologies for the construction of buildings and structures using construction 3D printing were indicated. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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