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Results of the online meeting of students' teams of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


Stavropol State Agrarian University took 2nd place in the nomination "The best higher educational institutions organizing the work of student teams".

An online meeting of students' teams from universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has just ended. General Director of the Association "Agro-Education" Viktor Yegorovich Berdyshev greeted all the participants and thanked for the high-quality regular work and decent results of the summer labor semester.

At the meeting, the results of the competition of students' teams of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation were summed up:

- Nomination "Mechanization" – mechanized team "Kolos" – 2nd place;

- Nomination "Rural construction" – construction team "Masterok" – 3rd place;

- Nomination "Landscaping and planting of greenery" – team " Ozelenitel'" – 2nd place;

- Nomination "Pedagogical detachments" – team "Mechta" – 1st place;

- Nomination "The best photo report on the activities of the students' team" – pedagogical team "Mechta" - 3rd place;

Winner in the nomination "The best commissar of students' teams of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation" – Alena Devyataykina, commissar of the pedagogical team "Dream";

And the most important nomination "The best higher educational institutions. Organizing the work of students' teams" – "Stavropol State Agrarian University" – 2nd place. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  10

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