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Preventive conversations on the prevention and suppression of wrongs were held at SSAU


On November 24 and 26, 2021, awareness-raising preventive talks on the topic “No hatred, xenophobia and enmity” and “Countering the ideology of terrorism on the Internet” were held for students of the faculties of our university.

The purpose of these conversations is the prevention and suppression of offenses by students, extremist activities, prevention of the spread of radical ideas among young people.

The students were approached by the candidate of philosophical sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, priest Anthony Skrynnikov, who told the students that in our time terrorism poses a real threat to the security of not only individual states, but also the international community. During the conversation, the priest reminded the audience that the foundations of true religiosity should lead a person to acquire a feeling of sincere love and compassion for others.

A senior detective, an employee of the Central Intelligence Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Investigative Committee, said that today youth extremism is expressed in disregard for the rules of conduct in society, for the law, the emergence of informal youth associations of an illegal nature, the distribution of which is carried out mainly through social networks. After the preventive conversation, the students were shown thematic videos.

Also, a veteran of military operations and local warriors, a reserve colonel, deputy chairman of the public organization of the Stavropol Territory "Ossetian Educational Society "Alania", Gaitov Georgy Timofeevich addressed the children. He noted that in any business that a person has chosen for himself, he must use all his opportunities for development. Lifelong learning is a principle that everyone should adhere to. At the end of his speech, Georgy Timofeevich handed over the book "North-South Ossetia" to the university museum.

The book tells about the beauty of Ossetia, its rich natural resources, fascinating tourist routes, magnificent mountain landscapes, monuments of history and culture, about the people who make up the pride of Ossetia, world famous figures of culture, science and sports.

A special place in the book is occupied by the events of August 2008, the city of Tskhinvali, burnt down by the Georgian aggressors. The tragedy in Beslan in 2004, when children, their parents and teachers were killed at the hands of terrorists.

The detective, police captain, employee of the Central Election Commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Investigative Committee paid special attention to the legal foundations of the fight against terrorism and extremism, revealed the basic concepts, voiced and explained the provisions of a number of Articles of the Administrative (Articles 20.3, 20.29 13.15) and Criminal (Articles 205, 207, 280, 282, 357) of the codes of the Russian Federation on crimes and offenses related to terrorist and extremist activities, gave examples of offenses and crimes related to this kind of manifestations identified in the service area and in the region. He wished the students success in their studies, and also recommended to be vigilant and prudent. When communicating on social networks, he recommended not to post materials on their pages that could incite hatred or hostility towards other people, and also not to leave comments justifying the actions of extremists and terrorists.

During the meeting, the children were shown thematic videos. University students also did not remain indifferent, actively building a dialogue, asking questions of interest, to which they received comprehensive answers. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  14

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