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SSAU held events for the International Day of Philosophy


Traditionally, the university hosts events to which students and guests from other educational institutions are invited to participate in conferences for the International Day of Philosophy, which is celebrated on November 18.

On November 24, the Department of Philosophy and History, in accordance with the established tradition, on the International Day of Philosophy, held a regular interregional scientific conference on a topical topic for Russia: "Philosophical and historical comprehension of the fate of Russia."

Among the guests of the conference, it should be especially noted the participation of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture Vasily Petrovich Gritsenko and Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Humanities Institute of NCFU Olga Valerievna Kashirina. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU Tufanov E.V. The conference was conducted online on the Zoom platform by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Gulyak I.I. He greeted the participants of the conference, and then gave the opportunity to make a report to the candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and History N.G. Guzynin. After his speech, questions followed to the speaker and a heated and interesting discussion on the problems of the report ensued. Also, the conference moderator, Professor I.I. Gulyak spoke on the discussed topic of the conference with a report and gave the floor to the guest – Professor V.P. Gritsenko.

The reports heard by the conference participants caused a variety of questions, comments and disputes on the problems that were formulated in the reports. In general, as noted, summing up the interregional scientific conference, the head of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU, Professor E.V. Tufanov and its leader, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Gulyak I.I., it was held in an interesting, creative and debatable atmosphere, arousing great interest among its participants.

The logical continuation of the interregional conference of teachers and graduate students from various universities in Stavropol and the North Caucasus was held on 25.11.21. student university scientific conference. The conference was attended by a delegation of students from NCFU, headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the NCFU, Humanitarian Institute, Kashirina Olga Valerievna.

Opening the conference Professor, head of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU Tufanov E.V., wished the students participating in the conference to pay serious mental attention to understanding the problem of the fate of Russia and wished them to achieve creative success in this field.

Chairman of the conference meeting, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU Zolotarev S.P. provided an opportunity to make presentations to students: 1st course, Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Papayan Angeline, 2 course, Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Aleksey Polishchuk, 2 course, Faculty of electrical Power Engineering, Gabrielyan Lev, 1 course, Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Julia Stepanova, 1 course, Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Dudenko Aksinye, 1 course, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tatyana Ignatenko, 2 course, Farm Mechanization Faculty, Molokovich Nikita.

All the speeches of the speakers aroused a keen interest of the student audience. They were asked many difficult questions and critical remarks. Among the students and teachers attending the conference, a heated discussion ensued on a number of problems raised in the reports.

Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU, Professor E.V. Tufanov and chairman of the meeting of the student scientific conference, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History S.P. Zolotarev. summed up a positive outcome of the conference, noting its high level, informative reports and active participation of students in its work. They urged the students-participants of the conference not to stop there and continue to deepen their scientific interest in philosophy and history and take an active part in subsequent scientific forums and events held by the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  10

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