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Seminar "Transformation of professional competencies in the labor market"


The graduate students of the Faculty of Economics were invited to the seminar.

On November 26, 2021, the Department of Management and Management Technologies of the Faculty of Economics held a seminar "Transformation of professional competencies in the labor market" with the participation of representatives of the real sector of the economy and the academic community. The graduate students of the Faculty of Economics were invited to the seminar.

Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovich, head of the Department of Management and Management Technologies of FSBEI HE «SSAU», Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, made a welcoming speech.

Among the smoothed faces, the report was made by:

Astashkina Yulia Viktorovna, head of the additional office 5230/0131 of the South-West Bank of Sberbank, with the report "Modern tools for the development of personnel competencies in Sberbank";

Chudaeva Alexandra Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Enterprise Development Strategy, Samara State Economic University, with the report "Features of training specialists in economics and finance in the context of digital transformation of industrial enterprises";

Semko Dmitry Vladimirovich, head of the subscriber department of LLC "ECO-CITY", Stavropol, with the report "Application of the competence-based approach in personnel development";

Vasilyeva Angela Viktorovna, inspector of the personnel department of ZAO «Oktyabrsky», village Levokumskoe, with a report “Features and problems of providing agricultural enterprises with highly qualified personnel”;

Olga Nikolaevna Kryukova, head of the project office of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin", with the report" Project activity as a factory of competencies for an effective professional career ";

Komarova Tatyana Vitalievna, business coach with the report "Trainings – stimulating the transformation of competencies."

The reports presented at the seminar on the trends in the transformation of competencies in the labor market aroused interest and discussion not only among the smoothed participants, but also the student community. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.11.2021
Номер новости для фото:  9

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