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Foresight "Digital transformation of economic sectors of the North Caucasus Federal District"


As part of the implementation of the activities of the program of strategic academic leadership "PRIORITY 2030", the staff of the Faculty of Economics, together with the Southern Regional Subdivision of AGRICO LLC, conducted a foresight on the topic "Digital Transformation of Economic Sectors of the North Caucasus Federal District" in the space of the University Boiling Point.

The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina. She told the participants that today the digital economy is an economic development trend with its own characteristics, difficulties and opportunities in the regions. Olga Nikolaevna drew the attention of the audience to the need to clarify the concepts of digital transformation of the regional economy and the economy of an enterprise, the role of universities and scientific organizations in these processes.

The organizers of the event were acting Head of the Department of Information Systems, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anna Nikolaevna Ermakova; and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems Svetlana Viktorovna Bogdanova. Students of informational directions of training of our university took an active part in the discussion of pressing issues of the declared topic.

Anna Nikolaevna continued the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, revealing such main signs of digital transformation as the use of intelligent platforms in all spheres of socio-economic activity, the introduction of the Internet of ideas, the Internet of people, the Internet of things, the Internet of services, the use of "big data" processing technologies, technologies that allow promoting goods and services to the market.

Svetlana Viktorovna drew the participants' attention to the fact that these signs do not have clearly defined spheres of action. Their effects overlap to create a positive effect. For example, the ecosystem of the regional digital economy is based on the implementation of digital platforms using Big Data, blockchain, and naj technologies. In this system, on the basis of the Internet of people, professional expert communities are formed, and Internet services allow enterprises of the region and its population to improve the quality of services provided (in production, in private life).

The strategic partner of the event was the Agrarian Investment Company "Agrico" - one of the largest agro-industrial holdings in Russia represented by Deputy Director for Personnel Selection Oleg Yuryevich Kovalenko and IT Director Sergey Petrovich Kotlyarov.

According to Oleg Yuryevich, regional universities can and should contribute to the development of the digital economy on the ground through interaction with key sectors of the economy for the region, actively stimulating their digital transformation. Carrying out scientific research, studying and broadcasting the best Russian and world experience in this area, Stavropol State Agrarian University was cited as an example of a strategic consultant for leaders of industries and leading enterprises, as well as business structures. The main task of universities was called the training of specialists for the digital sector of the economy.

Taking agriculture as an example, Sergei Petrovich voiced the problems of increasing labor efficiency, profitability of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex and ensuring information security. One of the topical areas of using information technologies in the agro-industrial complex, he called precision farming, which provides a strategy for managing crop yields using a global positioning system (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS) and technologies, as well as data from multiple sources about the conditions for growth and development, plants and the economic situation of each unit within a single field. The following IT tools for digitalization of the agricultural sector of the region were stated as vital: monitoring of traffic using GLONASS, transport logistics management, Internet of Things (IOT) and its application in different areas of activity, information support for decision-making, farm management, etc. Agribusiness faces strategic objectives of effective management of the value chain for agricultural products, optimization of production and logistics processes, as well as reducing errors and the influence of the human factor.

Thus, the foresight has become a platform for discussing possible ways of development and formation of the digital economy of the North Caucasus Federal District based on the digital transformation of sectors of its economy through digital platforms and ecosystems, a favorable environment for the creation and circulation of digital innovations, as well as support for digital startups within the walls of higher educational institutions.

As part of the event, the participants looked into the future through the prism of forming a project picture of the process of digital transformation of universities and scientific organizations as drivers of the development of sectors of the regional economy.

Link to the event https://leader-id.ru/events/250633

Дата новости для фото:  01.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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