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Meeting of students with a production representative


At the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, a meeting was held with the head of the branch of LLC "Ecological Guide" Sergei Viktorovich Portyanko. LLC "Ecological conductor" - accompanies the activities of the organization to the state of compliance with environmental legislation. Uses the latest software and a unique system for storing environmental documentation.

The meeting was opened by the head of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction Tamara Georgievna Zelenskaya. In her speech, she reflected the goals and objectives of the event.

The purpose of the dialogue is to provide students with information about Ecological Provider LLC, to familiarize themselves with the main activity, development prospects, and the requirements that the employer is now putting forward to specialists.

They are strategic partners of our faculty and give our students the opportunity to annually undergo industrial practice on their basis with subsequent employment.

Sergey Viktorovich spoke about the conditions that they create for their employees, as well as the requirements for future specialists. Many students became interested in this proposal and asked questions of interest to them, as well as possible employment. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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