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Working meeting of the management of Stavropol State Agrarian University and representatives of the companies Joel (RUS) and Tokyo Boeki (RUS)


Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a working meeting between the management of the university and the management of Japanese companies: JOEL (RUS) LLC, the official representative of the Japanese Electron-Optical Laboratory (JEOL) and a leading supplier of scientific equipment in Russia; and LLC TOKYO BOEKI (RUS), a company that deals with products and services in the fields of education and science, mechanical engineering, raw materials extraction, energy, metallurgy, as well as in other areas directly related to the basic industries.

At the working meeting, the discussion of strategic cooperation was attended by:

Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev;

Acting Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov;

Acting Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev;

Acting Vice-Rector for Continuing Education, Director of the Institute for Continuing Professional Education, Professor Olga Mikhailovna Lisova;

General Director of LLC Joel (RUS)" Saito Kentaro;

Director for Business Development of Tokyo Boeki (RUS) LLC Tsukishiro Hiroshi;

Ilya Vladimirovich Urubkov, engineer for the implementation of new equipment and technology at Tokyo Boeki (RUS) LLC.

At a round table, representatives of Japanese companies with the university leadership discussed possible cooperation in several areas. Saito Kentaro and Tsukishiro Hiroshi presented what the enterprises do.

The Japanese company Tokyo Boeki was founded in 1947 and is engaged in providing customers with products and services in the fields of education and science, mechanical engineering, mining, energy, metallurgy, as well as in other areas directly related to the basic industries.

Tokyo Boeki actively cooperates with many institutes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, various scientific and industrial enterprises and is one of the leading suppliers of integrated solutions for the modernization of key industries and infrastructure in Russia.

Jeol (RUS) is the official representative of the Japan Electron-Optical Laboratory (JEOL) and a leading supplier of scientific equipment in Russia. The company offers exclusive solutions for modern high-tech industries and fundamental research in the widest spectrum of sciences - from microbiology to archeology.

After a productive dialogue, a sightseeing tour of Stavropol SAU was organized for the Japanese guests. The delegation examined the material and technical base, with special attention - the laboratories. The guests got acquainted with the latest equipment at the faculties of farm mechanization, power engineering, agrobiology and land resources, veterinary medicine. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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