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All-Russian meeting of rectors of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


In Moscow, the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev hosted an all-Russian meeting of rectors of agrarian universities of Russia chaired by the Minister of Agriculture of Russia Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev. The system of modern agricultural education is 54 higher educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, where more than 300 thousand people are currently studying. This indicator confirms the demand for industry specialties.

During the meeting, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev noted that today the main challenge for all remains the pandemic, and the higher education system is no exception. Nevertheless, the personnel is the future of the industry and therefore, regardless of COVID limitations, it is important to preserve the quality of the educational process.

“Nevertheless, it is necessary to constantly create competitive advantages of our universities in the market of educational services. And this, first of all, is the compliance of educational programs with the demands of the time, well-built industrial practice, the necessary level of material and technical equipment, the introduction of modern technologies and, of course, a high level of scientific base and professionalism of the teaching staff," the Minister emphasized.

The meeting was attended by the heads of all universities subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev.

The minister and rectors discussed training in a difficult epidemiological situation. Nowadays, more than ever, the demand for the remote format is high, increasing the safety of students and teachers in the pandemic. The universities of the Ministry of Agriculture managed to organize this work with high quality - both training and exams pass without failures. Also, the current situation did not affect the admission of freshmen. So, in 2021, more than 81 thousand people were enrolled in agricultural universities, which is more than last year.

Much attention is paid to the development of the material and technical base of educational organizations. “Even despite the limited budgetary funds, funding for universities remains at a high level. This year, about 30 billion rubles are provided. What is very important, the emphasis is made, in particular, on the implementation of scientific research work. Next year, the budget provides 31.2 billion rubles. A number of agricultural universities are included in the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority-2030". In general, it assumes a large-scale innovative transformation of the education system and, of course, additional amounts of state support,” said Dmitry Patrushev, noting that this will greatly contribute to the further qualitative development of universities.

During the meeting, issues of integration of agricultural education and science were also considered. The universities of the Ministry of Agriculture are increasingly included in the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture. Today, 13 educational organizations are implementing projects in the field of breeding and seed production of potatoes and sugar beets. In addition to the FNTP, over the past year, the staff of universities received and registered 25 varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops. Also, technical means, technologies and recommendations for production are created. At the same time, as the Minister emphasized, the work is based on constant interaction with the agricultural business, which is the customer of progressive developments. The research results are embodied in real production and, in general, strengthen the position of Russia in the field of breeding.

Source - https://mcx.gov.ru/

Дата новости для фото:  06.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  1

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