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The second shift of the specialized agricultural session "We are the owners of the Earth!" started


The shift for schoolchildren of the Stavropol Territory is carried out in order to identify and develop children's creative abilities, to determine the most capable students with solid knowledge in the following nominations: landscape designer, ecologist, plant breeder, foreman, inventor and rationalizer, forester, mechanic, livestock technologist, veterinarian, fruit and vegetable grower.

At the grand opening, schoolchildren were greeted by:

Acting Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov,

First Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Andrey Anatolyevich Petrenko,

Deputy Minister of Education of the Stavropol Territory Diana Gitinomagomedovna Rudyeva,

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Viktor Vladimirovich Fetisov,

Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Regional Center for Ecology, Tourism and Local History" Tatyana Mikhailovna Zima.

The second shift brought together almost 100 schoolchildren at Stavropol State Agrarian University. In addition to the educational block, the children will have a rich program of excursions, as well as a special program from students - activists of SSAU.

Ahead of the guys, there is an exciting weekly program, divided into main topics related to all sectors of the agro-industrial branch: from agronomy to the economy.

Second session "We are the owners of the Earth!" will take place from December 06 to December 12, 2021.

Photo report https://vk.com/album-73503534_280399940

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