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Powerlifting Cup of the Stavropol Territory for the SSAU prize


The Powerlifting Cup of the Stavropol Territory was held for the prize of the SSAU. Competitions were held as part of the 65th sports day among students. The competition was attended by 67 athletes from 11 sports clubs of the region.

The Stavropol Territory Cup in powerlifting for the SSAU prize is held annually, at the initiative of the teacher of physical education of Stavropol State Agrarian University, multiple champion and prize-winner of the Russian European and World Championships, master of sports of Russia of international class in powerlifting and bodybuilding Nina Vyacheslavovna Mukhortova.

The absolute winners among university students were Polina Soboleva (Faculty of Electric Power Engineering) and Ivan Masalov, Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

In the team championship, the places were distributed as follows:

3rd place, Faculty of Accounting and Finance,

2nd place electric power engineering faculty,

1st place, Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

The Cup of the Stavropol Territory went to the graduates and former pupils of our university N. Korshunov and L. Zatonskaya, team silver - to the athletes of our university and bronze - to the Fitness Time sports club.

In personal competitions, excellent results were also shown by the winners in weight categories Karina Zhukova, Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Valentin Vlasov, electric power engineering Faculty, Artyom Okhromenko and Georgy Kolesnichenko, Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

But the athletes of the Fitness Time club, Matyukhin Evgeniy and Bondarenko Evgeniy, with their own weight of 120-130 kg, lifted weights of 300-350 kg! Kravtsov Vitaly and Yuriev Alexander also collected amounts of more than 600 kg. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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