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Training "Life in your own format"


For students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, the training "Life in your own format" was organized. One of the main tasks facing society today is to solve the problem of forming the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The position of our country in the modern world largely depends on the moral, spiritual, physical and social health of future generations of Russians. Young people, being the most progressive and promising part of the population, are at the same time the most vulnerable to the real threats of our time, the main of which is drug addiction.

A medical psychologist - narcologist Yulia Aleksandrovna Fedorova was invited to conduct the training.

The participants of the training were 1st year students of the specialty "Economic Security".

An important task for today's youth is to learn to be independent, to understand their own value, to develop a strong immunity to the vicious addictions of the modern world.

In this regard, acute issues were discussed between the medical psychologist and the students. Why do people become addicted; reasons for dissatisfaction with life; how to set goals and achieve goals; how to find yourself in life; how drug addiction affects a person's mental image; what effect the drug has on a person; what is substance abuse; whether narcotic substances are used in official medicine; is it true that there are soft, "safe" drugs to which addiction hardly develops; how drug addiction develops in people who use "soft" drugs; why drugs are believed to be primarily a problem for young people; what harm, besides addiction, drugs bring to the body.

The students were very interested in the speech of the medical psychologist-narcologist. Students were actively involved in the discussion and asked questions of interest to them.

In conclusion, the medical psychologist-narcologist gave recommendations on acquiring skills in assessing a problem situation and making decisions; about socially acceptable ways of solving problems and personal difficulties; the formation of the development of skills to take care of yourself and protect yourself. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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