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Participation of Stavropol State Agrarian University delegation in a round table at the Congress of young scientists in Sochi


Within the framework of the Congress of Young Scientists in Sochi, a round table "Interaction of Science, Education and Business in the Implementation of the Doctrine of Food Security of Russia" was held. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2020 No. 20, the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation was approved, the need for which was dictated by the conditions of the country's socio-economic development that have changed significantly in recent years, the emergence of new risks and threats to food security caused mainly by economic sanctions introduced by a number of Western countries in relation to Russia, increasing the openness of the national agri-food market associated with joining the World Trade Organization, and deepening integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union.

To the issue of food security, at the Congress of Young Scientists, a round table was dedicated. It was attended by representatives of science, business and education.

“In an agrarian region, such as the Stavropol Territory, or the Kuban, an agricultural university is the intellectual base of the region. There is tangible support from the state! Within the framework of national projects, 35 selection and seed production centers have been established. This is a significant support for agricultural science. Today the agricultural sector is the driver of the state economy. It's the process basis. In the 60s and 70s, our country imported grain. Today we are the largest grain exporter. And this is a merit of science! "

One of the key indicators of the Food Security Doctrine is the achievement of the provision of domestic seed material at a level of at least 75%. To achieve this indicator, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia implements the following mechanisms:

• transformation of the scientific network by joining the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, which will increase the acreage of research centers and significantly increase the production of seeds of higher reproductions for key crops;

• creation of new laboratories in priority areas of scientific research;

• creation of selection and seed production centers within the framework of the national project "Science";

• transition to unified digital solutions in breeding, seed production and in the management of basic administrative and economic processes;

• updating, together with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Academy of Sciences" and representatives of the real sector of the economy, plans for scientific research in order to formulate research topics in accordance with the parameters laid down in the Doctrine;

• formation and consolidation in the development programs of leading research centers of target performance indicators for breeding and seed production, research topics that are most consistent with the achievement of indicators of the Doctrine of Food Security, with the responsibility of heads of organizations in labor contracts for their achievement;

• transformation of the type of budgetary institutions in order to create autonomous institutions, the introduction of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and governing bodies of the agro-industrial complex of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into the supervisory boards.

“We want to engage not only in monitoring and assessing opportunities for capacity development, but also to strengthen such areas that are necessary for a particular municipality. To satisfy the needs of the districts and provide specialists who are ready to work. For this, among other things, the “Professionalitet” program has been launched. The goals and objectives set by the agrarian region, what the leadership of the Stavropol Territory and the governor are doing, fully corresponds to the concept of the development of agrarian education. Today it is no longer just a trend, but the need to revise the system of agricultural education, to make it modern, modernized and digitalized. And we are successfully coping with this task ", - shared the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev.

Subordinate organizations of the agricultural profile of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia today provide the domestic market with selection and genetic material (seeds) for cereals and legumes - 95%, fodder - 63%, oilseeds - 38%, soybeans - 73%, corn - 41%, potatoes - 21% , rice - 80%. Volumes of production and sales of seed material (parental forms, super-elite and elite) of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, for all key crops (cereals, legumes, cereals, oilseeds, corn, potatoes, rice) for the period 2013-2019 demonstrate an increase of 3-5% annually, which makes a significant contribution to the production of domestic seeds of higher reproductions in the country as a whole. For a number of strategic crops (cereals, legumes, cereals, potatoes, corn, oilseeds, vegetables, rice), the production and sales of seed material (parental forms, super-elite and elite) of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia show an increase of at least than 3-5% annually.

“The need of employers is our incentive to work! We must satisfy this need! We are supported by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Innopraktika. We are not an ordinary university in the modern world, we focus on master's programs and continuing education. 14 doctoral councils - they should bring that desired result. We are talking about a technological future, and this year we started training specialists in organic agriculture. The first group is 25 people. A little, but we had to start somewhere. It's important to see young innovators. We invest in them. We become different and the performance grows. We are talking about digital competencies, we have entered end-to-end information technologies with a degree in Agronomy. Together with partners, good results are obtained," - noted the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Thanks to the creation of agricultural research centers and interdisciplinary research centers and joining them as experimental sites of the transformed FSUE, it is carried out in the format of a full innovation cycle: selection - seed production - sale of seeds and planting material. 

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