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Completion of training at the school of electoral volunteers


The Department of Philosophy and History held a solemn event dedicated to the graduation from the school "Volunteer movement in the electoral process in the Russian Federation." The students of the courses were students of all faculties of the undergraduate program, as well as students of secondary vocational education. 38 students of SSAU successfully completed their studies at the school "Volunteer movement in the electoral process in the Russian Federation."

The organizer of the work of the school "Volunteer movement in the electoral process in the Russian Federation" is the head of the Department of Philosophy and History, Professor E.V. Tufanov, as well as Professor S.P. Zolotarev, Associate Professor I.N. Karpenko. The meetings with the listeners were held under the supervision of the Deputy Director of the Institute of Education and Training, Associate Professor A.V. Pankratov.

The teaching staff of the school organized meetings with well-known politicians, lawyers and volunteers, who focused on the important mission of the socio-legal orientation of these courses, as well as the need to master the basics of volunteer work with voters and election commissions. Among them, of particular interest were the speeches of the head of the department, the Head of the information center of the IKSK apparatus Dmitry Borisovich Tsarev, as well as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory on agrarian and land issues, environmental management and ecology, Co-chairman of the ONF Viktor Viktorovich Nadein.

As a result of the work of the school "Volunteer movement in the electoral process in the Russian Federation", students received the necessary socio-legal knowledge about the essence of the electoral system and the electoral process in the Russian Federation, competencies were formed to provide voters with their constitutional rights, knowledge, skills and abilities were acquired to assist election commissions in the exercise of their powers.

Upon completion of their studies at the school "Volunteer movement in the electoral process in the Russian Federation", the course participants received Certificates attesting to the knowledge gained on the right block of the voter. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  23

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