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Curatorial hour: “Prevention of extremism and terrorism and other asocial manifestations”


As part of the work on countering extremism and terrorism at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, a curatorial hour was organized and conducted on the topic: “Prevention of extremism and terrorism and other antisocial manifestations”. The moderators of the meeting were: Grishanova Svetlana Valerievna, Feskova Marina Viktorovna, Elchaninova Olga Viktorovna.

The purpose of the event: the formation of youth resistance to the ideology of terrorism and extremism and other antisocial acts.

The Deputy Head of the Stavropol Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Viktor Viktorovich Naumov, made a presentation to the students.

During the conversation, Viktor Viktorovich said that international terrorism and extremism are a geopolitical problem of our time. Extremist and terrorist organizations involve young people and actively use them in their political interests.

The most dangerous, from the point of view of joining extremist organizations, is the age from 14 to 22 years old. Viktor Viktorovich conducted a briefing on countering extremism, aimed at excluding cases of ethnic hatred and fostering tolerance. He also said that it is necessary to broaden the horizons of students about extremism in order to learn to live in peace with other people, and to understand that any manifestations of extremism lead to responsibility.

During the conversation, the topic of tolerance was revealed. The audience learned a lot of new and interesting things, the organizer of the event tried to awaken interest in the national culture, to instill love for the native land to the traditions and customs of his people.

The event was aimed not so much at fighting as at preventing the emergence of extremism and terrorism, increasing the level of knowledge, developing in adolescents a sense of vigilance, responsibility, kindness and understanding in order to resolutely resist this evil called extremism and terrorism.

The measures taken to prevent terrorist and extremist activities contributed to the rallying of the team and the strengthening of the moral climate in them. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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