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Regional Inter-Party Forum “Stavropolye”


On the initiative of the regional election commission, for the first time in the Stavropol Territory, the Regional Inter-Party Forum “Stavropolye” was held. It was attended by party members and activists of 8 political parties represented on the territory of the Stavropol Territory.

In the program of the forum, the opportunity was given to speak by experts on political and party issues.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzinin, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of Stavropol State Agrarian University, made a report “The role of image in the activities of parties and politicians in the political system and public life of Russia: historical aspect and modernity”.

In his speech, the speaker revealed the history of image formation in politics, the role of image in Western countries, in the Soviet Union and in post-Soviet times. The report showed the mechanism of creating an image by political parties and politicians in modern Russia, disclosed the structure of the image and its value aspects and considered what impact it has on the electoral environment and what ordinary voters prefer in their image.

After his speech, which aroused great interest, the forum participants asked various questions, to which comprehensive answers were given.   

Дата новости для фото:  17.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  19

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