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SSAU scientists took part in the scientific and practical council “Soil health: assessment and management”


The scientific and practical council “Soil health: assessment and management”, organized by the “Syngenta” company, was held in St. Petersburg. During the discussion, the concept of “healthy soil” was considered and the criteria of healthy soil that determine its functioning were disclosed: biota (microbiota, biota that increases the bioavailability of nutrients, entomofauna); physical, chemical and physicochemical parameters of the state of the soil.

The council was attended by the head of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tyulpanov - Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov, who made a presentation “The role of soil respiration in its fertility and decarbonization of crop production”.

Various functions of the soil were analyzed: the ability to self-regulate and transform nutrients, the ability to resist water and wind erosion, structure formation, humification, decompaction, buffering.

Professor V.S. Tskhovrebov said that the study of paleoclimatologists makes it possible to determine very high concentrations of CO2 in the past, which 150-200 million years ago amounted to 0.3% and 400-600 million years ago 0.6. According to some reports, up to 1%. The decline in atmospheric CO2 levels stopped at the beginning of the Permian, but continued starting from about 60 million years ago. At the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene, the amount of CO2 was 0.76%.

Valery Sergeevich mentioned that inert matter participating in soil formation is represented by minerals and rocks, crushed to varying degrees, as well as organic mortmass, and living matter - by plant roots and microorganisms

It is microorganisms that are cooks for plants. Thanks to the holophytic method of nutrition and the release of acids as a result of metabolism, microbes destroy minerals and organic matter and convert nutrients from an inaccessible to an accessible form.

He emphasized that the respiration of the soil is the release of carbon dioxide during the respiration of soil organisms. Soil breathing shows the general microbiological (biological) activity of the soil During the discussion, the concept of “healthy soil” was considered and the criteria of healthy soil that determine its functioning were disclosed: biota (microbiota, biota that increases the bioavailability of nutrients, entomofauna); physical, chemical and physicochemical parameters of the state of the soil. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  17

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