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Implementation of programs within the framework of the strategic academic leadership project “Priority-2030”


The round table “Development of an innovative selection and genetic model for creating dairy herds of Holstein and black-and-white breeds of pedigree cattle in the South of Russia with improved parameters for creating high-quality functional dairy products" was held in Nalchik. the university in the framework of the research work under the program “SmartAgroBioTech-2030”. The program is being implemented within the Priority-2030 strategic academic leadership project with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation by the Consortium of Applied Research and Experimental Developments Performers, which includes the Agricultural University of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The rector of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University, Professor Aslan Karalbievich Apazhev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

On behalf of the scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the participants of the meeting were greeted by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Work, Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev.

“Our project is focused on the implementation of two strategic directions. This is, firstly, the training of highly qualified personnel for work in rural areas. The second direction is scientific research related to the development of animal husbandry,” said Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Timur Aliyevich Vadakhov introduced the statistics to those present, stressing that the development of dairy cattle breeding in the KBR has annually positive dynamics. According to the Deputy Minister, the world’s most popular Holstein cattle breed is successfully raised in Kabardino-Balkaria, showing high productivity.

Among the issues raised, special attention was paid to the main directions of the formation of export-oriented dairy cattle breeding, the genetic potential of the productivity of animals of the Holstein breed, an increase in its protein-milk content and dependence on paratypical factors.

Within the framework of the round table, prominent scientists of the North Caucasus Federal District made reports. In particular, Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleinik - professor of the basic department of private animal husbandry, selection and breeding of animals, doctor of agricultural sciences spoke with “The main directions of the formation of export-oriented dairy cattle breeding”.

The results of the round table discussions became recommendations that will be used by public authorities and specialized departments in their future work.

According to the press service of the Kabardino-Balkarian SAU 

Дата новости для фото:  17.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  11

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