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Team “Te samye” is the champion of the Club of the Funny and Inventive in Kavkaz league in 2021!


In the regional capital, in the Palace of Culture and Sports, the final game of the regional Club of the Funny and Inventive in Kavkaz league was held. The best teams from the regions of the North Caucasus fought for the victory.

The league champion’s cup was won by the “Te Samye” team from Stavropol State Agrarian University. The second place went to the Pomegranate Color team from Pyatigorsk, and the bronze medal was shared by the Kolosok team from Mikhailovsk and the team of the Chechen State University.

Cups and valuable prizes from the partners of the league were presented to the winners by the head of the city of Stavropol, Ivan Ivanovich Ulyanchenko.

According to the competent jury, Amir Gurbanov, a graduate of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, became one of the three “Best Actors”! 

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