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End of the ninth course at the Young Politician's School


The Department of Philosophy and History together with the Institute of Additional Professional Education held a gala event dedicated to the end of the ninth intake of trainees at the School of Young Politician. 23 students from different faculties successfully graduated and received the deserved certificates.

With the farewell words to the students of the school addressed:

- Andrei V. Pankratov, deputy director of the IDPP

- the head of the School of Young Politicians, associate professor of the Philosophy and History chair, Nikolai Guzynin,

- Ivan Gulyak, lecturer of the School of Young Politician, professor of the Philosophy and History chair,

- Vladimir Ismailovich Kurchev, professor at the Chair of Philosophy and History, honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation, and instructor at the School of Young Politicians.

Speakers congratulated the students of "Young politician" school with the end of classes in the unfamiliar for them political field. They noted that the lessons at the School of Young Politician were aimed at improving the political culture of students and their activity in the political life of the Stavropol Territory, in election campaigns, in the activities of public organizations, political parties and volunteer movements.

It was emphasized that the School of Young Politician students after graduation will not necessarily become politicians but the knowledge and skills they acquire will help them to maintain a genuine interest in politics and active citizenship in the future.

In a solemn atmosphere the students were handed certificates of successful graduation from the School of Young Politician.  

Дата новости для фото:  20.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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