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Lesson of courage dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Stavropol liberation from the Nazi invaders


The lesson of courage was organized by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Stavropol State Agrarian University Nikolay Gavrilovich Guzynin. The lesson of courage was held for the students of all faculties of the University.

The lesson of courage was attended by:

- The Acting Rector of StSAU, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev,

- Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans Alexey Pavlovich Karabut,

- Chairman of the City Council of Veterans Igor Albertovich Fataliev,

- Pavel Sokolov, the First Deputy Chairman of the Veteran Council of Stavropol Leninsky District.

At the beginning of the event the traditional vocal studio "Provance" took part, which perfectly performed a patriotic song.

In his welcoming speech, the Acting Rector of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University Professor A. Trukhachev noted how important it is for students to have a historical memory of the heroic past of the Soviet people, and in particular the students of our university to honor the feat of Stavropol liberators from the Nazi occupants. In his speech, Alexander Vladimirovich especially emphasized that without a deep understanding of the past, the current generations of the Russians, and especially young people, can not create the present and have a successful future.

A.P. Karabut, chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans, interestingly and substantially revealed the feat of defenders of the Fatherland not only in the liberation of Stavropol, but also of the whole North Caucasus. He convincingly and persuasively refuted the false notions about the insignificant role of the battle for the Caucasus against the fascist aggressors. In their speeches the Chairman of the Veterans Council of Stavropol, the combatant in Afghanistan I. A. Fataliev and the first Deputy Chairman of the Veterans Council of the Lenin district of Stavropol, the Armed Forces veteran P. I. Sokolov paid special attention to the need for patriotic education of young people based on the glorious heroic traditions of the Great Patriotic War.

Welcoming remarks to the participants of the Lesson of Courage were made by the docent of the Department of Philosophy and History, Honored Worker of Culture Vladimir Ismailovich Kurchev and Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and History Evgeny Vasilievich Tufanov, who wished students to honor the glorious past of our country and be active citizens in the creation of its present.

Students also took an active part in the event. So Polina Bychikhina, the 3rd year student of the faculty of agroecology and landscape architecture read a beautiful poem about liberation of Stavropol from German invaders, and the 1st year student of accounting and finance faculty Yana Shevtsova showed a heroic way of our countryman A. Korotkov, who first broke into the occupied Stavropol with his regiment.

This interesting and informative patriotic event ended with the performance of a song by the vocal studio "Provance" and the presentation of flowers and greeting cards from the Acting Rector of StSAU. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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