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Defense of the doctoral dissertation in the dissertation council of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University


In the dissertation council D 220.062.02 of Stavropol State Agrarian University defended doctoral dissertation on the specialty 06.02.01 - Diagnosis of disease and therapy of animals, pathology, oncology and morphology of animals.

Applicant: Roman Alexandrovich Tsygansky, subject: "Ultrasonographic features of the stomach and intestines of dogs and cats".

Scientific advisor: Andrey Nikolaevich Kvochko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Stavropol State Agricultural University.

Leading organization: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Skryabin.

Official opponents:

Pavel Anatolievich Rudenko - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of biological tests of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Y.A. Ovchinnikov Russian Academy of Sciences.

Natalia V. Mantatova - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy, Clinical Diagnostics, Obstetrics and Biotechnology, V.R. Filippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy.

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pudovkin - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Animal Morphology, Pathology and Biology Department, Saratov State Agrarian University. N.I. Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University.

Defense of the thesis was successful. The members of the dissertation council voted unanimously for awarding the degree of doctor of biological sciences on the specialty 06.02.01 - Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Therapy, Pathology, Oncology and Morphology of Animals. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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