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Meeting of the Project Office of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


It was decided to continue the work on creation of entrepreneurial environment within the university and the creation of innovative ecosystem around it, the development of entrepreneurial education and the creation of innovative culture both within the university and in the region as a whole. One of the most important directions in 2022 will be the realization of the program of international cooperation on the invitation of leading scientists from foreign universities.

One of the most important directions in 2022 will be the realization of the program of international cooperation on the invitation of leading scientists from foreign universities.

The Vice-rector, professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev offered to analyze the results of the passing year and to indicate the prospects of development for 2022 at the meeting of the Project office on implementation of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority-2030" and the project "Agroinopolis - 2030".

The university has many objectives: to create world-class instrument and laboratory facilities, open 10 laboratories biochemistry, embryonic technology, molecular genetics, aerospace monitoring in pasture animal husbandry, the pathology of domestic animals, scientific and educational center of professional competence development.

Heads of directions on educational and innovative activity made reports on the work done.

Members of the working group were given concrete recommendations on deeper integration with scientific and educational centers and enterprises of the real sector of the regional economy to ensure equal access of teams of different organizations (universities, research centers, industrial partners) to the available resources of StGAU.   

Дата новости для фото:  23.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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