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Seminar of the Center for Organization and Support of Organic Poultry Production in the South of Russia for biotechnology students


In the reading room of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine the seminar "Center of the organization and support of organic poultry farming in the South of Russia" was fruitfully held in the full-time and remote formats with the technical support of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The workshop corresponds to the block "Animal Genomics and Biotechnology" of the strategic project "SMARTAGROBiotech-2030" of the program of the university development "Agroinopolis 2030".

The seminar participants were teachers of the basic department of private zootechnics, animal breeding and selection, undergraduate and graduate students of biotechnology faculty, as well as zootechnicians.

Irina Mikhailovna Shaposhnikova, manager of "Trouw nutrition" ("Nutreco Company", Voronezh) greeted the audience. Andrey Valdemarovich Vrana, Director of "Agrokormservice Plus" Ltd informed on the reality and prospects of the regional market of hatching eggs and day-old pullets of meat and meat-egg chickens in the range for organic poultry farming in southern Russia.

Professor of the basic department of private zootechnics, selection and breeding of animals Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova focused participants' attention on the basic conditions for realization of the genetic potential of poultry crosses for organic poultry breeding on hatching and starter breeding of young animals.

Olga Vrana, head of sales department of LLC "Agrokormservis" presented schedules and projected sales prices of hatching eggs and day-old chickens for spring 2022. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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