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Four scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University became winners of the contest for grants and scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation


The results of 2022 competitions for the right to receive grants and scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - postgraduates, candidates and doctors of science and leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation are summed up. Among the winners are four employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The winners of the 2022 competition for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - doctors of sciences were: Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Professor Alexei Bobryshev and Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy and Pharmacology, Associate Professor Ivan Valentinovich Kireev.

Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev became the winner in the direction:

Social sciences and humanities MD-5315.2022.2.

Grant topic: Formation of the management accounting system in conditions of uncertainty and risk.

The project is aimed at developing a system that allows you to make more informed and effective management decisions in times of crisis, environmental instability and risk. It is relevant because in the modern economy uncertainty factors such as volatility of stock markets, decline in production due to pandemics, reduction in purchasing power of the population and others are growing. In these conditions it becomes more and more difficult to effectively manage business processes and it requires to improve the methods for generating information, contributing to effective managerial decisions.

Ivan Valentinovich Kireev was the winner in the field: agricultural sciences MD-2672.2022.5.

The theme of the grant: Development of means and methods of antioxidant prevention and therapy of diseases of farm animals to improve their productive and reproductive potential, quality, biological and environmental safety of animal products.

The project aims to study the role of free-radical metabolism in the pathogenesis of diseases, the development of tools and methods of its pharmacological correction, to improve the safety and productivity of farm animals and the quality of their products. In the course of its implementation it is planned to determine the impact of free radicals on the mechanism of animal diseases and on this basis to create innovative approaches to their prevention and treatment, the use of which will help to improve the efficiency and profitability of animal husbandry. The implementation of the planned R&D results will increase the food adequacy, biological and environmental safety of food of animal origin.

The winner of the contest of the year 2022 for the right to get grants of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences became an associate professor of the Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology Department Alyona Yurievna Ozheredova in the direction: agricultural sciences MK-2483.2022.5.

The theme of the grant: "Realization of the potential productivity of winter wheat through the optimization of mineral nutrition in the dynamic environmental conditions in the soil and climatic zones of the Central Caucasus.

For the first time in three soil-climatic zones of the Central Caucasus will be realized the potential productivity of winter wheat due to the optimization of mineral nutrition. After processing the obtained data of the vegetation index NDVI, agrochemical indicators, chemical composition of the plant and crop productivity will be revealed correlations. Depending on the content of macro- and microelements in soil and plants, stocks of productive moisture, crop structure indicators, a model of winter wheat productivity in different soil and climatic conditions is proposed.

The winner of the contest 2022-2024 for grants of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and graduate students is Stanislav Vadimovich Mishukov, an assistant of the Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology Department in the field: Strategic information technology, including issues of supercomputers and software development SP-1296.2022.5

Grant topic: Development and research of the information-measuring system for determination of the moisture content and impurities in agricultural products.

The information-measuring system being developed has wide possibilities for application in various branches of agriculture and industry as moisture content determination is the main production task, influencing quality of produce, reduction of energy consumption during storage and processing, cost, technical and food value, availability of useful consumer properties. The proposed information-measuring system will provide the ability to determine not only the moisture content of the products under study, but also the presence of organic, mineral and foreign impurities, which is important in determining the quality class, grade and type of the studied object. The system will make it possible to determine the specific characteristics of agricultural products, such as density, vitality, consistency, chemical composition, etc., by their electrophysical properties.  

Дата новости для фото:  24.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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