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On Monday (December, 27) the project analytical session "Cadres of agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasian Federal District: state, problems, experience of scientific analysis" will take place.


The project analytical session "Cadres of Agro-Caucasian Federal District: state, problems, experience of scientific analysis" will take place on the 27th of December, 2021 from 14.00 till 15.30. It is held by the Institute of Further Professional Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030" on the project "AGROCADR 2030 (hub of educational, digital and personnel technologies)".

The participants of the meeting represent four regions - Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia-Alania, Stavropol. These are scientific and pedagogical workers of agrarian universities located in the North Caucasus, representatives of republican ministries carrying out state policy in the sphere of employment and agriculture.

The participants of the meeting will discuss the results of the scientific research conducted in November-December 2021 by the Thinktank analytical and research center created in Stavropol State Agrarian University within the "Priority 2030" program.

The new scientific structure of the university is headed by the head of the department of economic security, statistics and econometrics, Professor Alysei Nikolaevich Gerasimov. He will present the main report on the Think Tank's achievements at the project and analytical session.

The head of competence development of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, associate professor Inna Valerievna Andreeva, a well-known specialist in the field of further professional education development, will be a moderator of the scientific event. She will lead the exchange of opinions of the participants, which will be held with the use of modern digital technologies on Zoom platform.

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Conference ID: 289 056 6695

Access code: 2021 

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