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Meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory


The Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory held a meeting of the working group for the preparation and implementation of measures to improve financial literacy in the region.

The meeting was attended by the head of the chair of financial management and banking of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova.

Deputy Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory Yury Suslov opened the meeting, making a report on the outcome of work in 2021 and the objectives for the implementation of the regional program "Improving the financial literacy of the Stavropol Territory and the development of financial education in the Stavropol Territory in 2022-2023.

The main events that will take place during the next year:

All-Russian Olympiad on financial literacy, All-Russian Savings Week, online marathon "What? Where? When? " in the world of finance, financial game tournament "Not in money happiness", financial game tournament "On the trail of monopoly" with the help of SFO "Financier" will be held in the business school "The ABC of Money" of the youth techno park "SmartAgro" of Stavropol State Agrarian University, in "Boiling Point" StSAU, Foresight Center "Analytics and financial technologies Sberbank of Russia", UPC "Mini-bank", the laboratory "Banking technology and analytics" Rosselkhozbank. The Accounting and Finance Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University was involved in the organization of all these events.  

Дата новости для фото:  25.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  1

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