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"New Year's miracle" from the All-Russian People's Front and the Stavropol GAU happened in the Stavropol Territory


On the eve of the New Year holidays, activists of the All-Russian Popular Front (APF) in all 85 regions are conducting an all-Russian action "New Year's Miracle". Community activists visit medical and social institutions, families in difficult life situations and veterans to wish them a Happy New Year, organize festive performances with fairy-tale characters and give gifts.

The All-Russian Popular Front in the Stavropol Territory and the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University did not stand aside, with the support of the Acting Rector of SSAU, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev, the activists congratulated the children on the holidays.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka visited school No. 21 and kindergarten No. 21 in the village of Novoekaterinovskaya (Kochubeevsky district). A real New Year's fairy tale was played for the children, with magic games and interesting contests. And, of course, what a new year without surprises.

The APF activists presented 35 sweet gifts to the children.

The "New Year's miracle" does not end there, the next visit to the children will take place in January, to the orphanage in the city of Essentuki. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  11

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