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Pedagogical workshop for teachers in the framework of the federal project "Professionalism"


The Stavropol GAU has become one of the sites on which the federal project "Professionalism" will be implemented next year. Our university has become one of the pilot sites in the field of "Agriculture" and will become the basic educational organization in the Stavropol Territory, in which an educational and production center will be created. A professional workshop "Academy of Pedagogical Innovations" was organized for teachers of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education.

The federal project "Professionalism" will start in 2022 on the basis of pilot sites, it will unite 70 educational and production clusters and provide training in the field of light industry, nuclear industry, railway transport, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, agriculture, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. By 2024, the program will reach over 350 thousand students.

As part of the project "Academy of Pedagogical Innovations" at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, a pedagogical workshop "New approaches to the content of education within the framework of the federal project" Professionalism "was held.

The FSVO teachers presented the main aspects and directions of the implementation of the federal project "Professionalism", talked about changes in the concept of teaching general education disciplines associated with new approaches to teaching.

Presentations were made by:

· Soboleva Lyudmila Ivanovna - “New requirements for the competence of a teacher implementing the“ Professionalism ”program;

· Meleshko Svetlana Vasilievna - On the popularization of the programs of the federal project "Professionalism";

· Solomonova Victoria Aleksandrovna - The concept of teaching general education disciplines, taking into account the professional orientation of the PLO secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of basic general education;

· Myazina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - Regulatory requirements for the implementation of secondary general education within the development of PLO secondary vocational education, taking into account the professional orientation;

· Kolesnikova Antonina Nikolaevna - Integration of disciplines of general education content with the subject content of general education disciplines, taking into account the professional orientation of BEP SVE. 

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