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Successful defense of the candidate's dissertation of the teacher of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


In the dissertation council D 220.052.02 (economic sciences) at the Oryol State Agrarian University named after N. V. Parakhin, the dissertation work of the assistant of the Department of Management and Management Technologies was defended.

The dissertation council D 220.052.02 (economic sciences) defended the dissertation work of Alexander Pavlovich Isaenko presented for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes - agroindustrial complex and agriculture)

Research topic: "Development of cooperation in the vineyard subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex." The work was highly appreciated by the members of the dissertation council, they made a unanimous decision to recommend to the dissertation council in economics to award Alexander Pavlovich Isaenko the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Academic Supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Anton Vladimirovich Nazarenko.

Official opponents were Lyudmila Nikolaevna Usenko - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Economic Activity Analysis and Forecasting, Rostov State Economic University (RINH);

Olga Yurievna Antsiferova - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Professor of the Department of Management and Agribusiness at Michurinsk State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.12.2021
Номер новости для фото:  1

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