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Happy New Year from the Acting Rector of SSAU


Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the coming New Year and the bright holiday of the Christmas!

In the outgoing year, we were sincerely happy about our successes, overcoming difficulties together and striving to achieve high results. We have demonstrated our ability to successfully solve important problems of economic and agricultural development in the country.

In the coming year, we have to accomplish many tasks to strengthen and develop the spheres of education and science, culture and sports, personnel and youth policy. We have gained invaluable experience, achieved significant victories, developed, improved and are ready to go forward!

New Year's holidays are a time of success and victories, and it depends only on us what the next year will be like!

I wish you faith in yourself and your strength, optimism and vigor, good health and inexhaustible energy, so that the next year will be productive and successful! May 2025 have more days filled with new ideas and professional achievements, and may dreams come true.

Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Doctor of Economics, Professor

A.V. Trukhachev 

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